NEW: Virtuosity (1995)

Despite Virtuosity (1995) was 30 year-old, its concept cannot be more appropriate in 2024. AI is our zeitgeist. Chatgpt, Co-polit, etc … share the DNA of Sid 6.7 to the extent they search and aggregate knowledge to solve problems and answer questions. As for the transformation to physical form, it may not be far off […]

Movie Review: The Crying Game (1992)

WATCH! The Crying Game is one of those film with a climatic snake-in-a-can moment that no one can unseen. Unfortunately, that shocking scene has pigeonholed the film. But, it spoke to a deeper allegory of human relationships and loyalty. On top, The Crying Game made Tammy Wynette relevant again with Stand by Your Man –  a gay mens’ anthem – used for its […]

Movie Review: Anchorman2 – The Legend Continues (2013)

The jokes were too artificial for me, even for those subliminal telepromt-ed laughs. I understood all the references and what it was trying to make fun of, i.e, the era of non-politically correctness, but for me it was too crude, and a bit forced. If you watch it, because there is a big comedians united scene […]