Movie Review: Unbreakable (2000)

WATCH!(Qualified) source:IMDb By now you probably have figured out that Unbreakable(2000) is a prequel to Split(2016); the giveaway was at the denouement, when characters concatenated to form a series. At that moment, I knew I needed to watch Unbreakable(2000) to get a better understanding of a united theme director,  M. Night Shyamalan, was telling us.  Essentially Unbreakable(2000) was a film that […]

Movie Review: Supernova (2000)

In an era where we always crave for the newest things, we may have missed really good (worth watching) films that are simply oblivious to us. The one I found in my DVD stack was Supernova (2000).  Why is it more enjoyable to watch it now? – The actors. All of them are still in the industry, which […]

Movie Review: The Secret in their Eyes/El secreto de ses ojos(2009)

2010’s Oscar Best Foreign Film, an Argentine film that has been adapted by Hollywood with the same name, but without “The”. I have no plans to see the Hollywood’s until it hits the DVD rack, cause no way it will stand up to the original. This is one of those films best to watch without […]

Movie Review: Lady Vengeance(2005)

Culture shock. This was one of, famous Korean director, Chang-wook Park‘s Vengeance trilogy: Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002); Oldboy (2003); and Lady Vengeance (2005). Park was also the director behind his North American debut of the 2013 Stoker. I watched the American version of the  Oldboy (2013) with Josh Brolin as the lead character, Joe Doucett, which I didn’t really like and […]

Skip these movies: uninspiring, formulaic, just boring!

The Bling Ring (2013): As shallow as those kids depicted. I wish it were made in a more documentary style; however, it was dressed in bling bling Hollywood style. Sure Paris Hilton’s house was broken into multiple times, but was it really necessary to see what she owned over and over? to me, that’s nothing but marketing exploitation […]