WATCH*!: Star Wars:The Last Jedi (2017)

*[So I re-watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) and now it makes better sense of what’s going on in The Last Jedi. I found the continuity between the two were clearer than heading to the theater without a refresher. So I changed my review to a WATCH! because of this.] I am glad that this was […]

SKIP! Dumb-ass: Life(2017)

What a waste of talent! A potentially great sci-fi alien film turned into a stupid grown-up scientists “slasher” film in space camp. Sure, in piecemeal there were some great scenes and there with enough tension to be on edge, sometimes, but there were far more head-scratching moments that you wanted to scream…Don’t do that, RUN! […]

WATCH! Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

  A somber and morbid film with eerie and pungent scores that suck you into a universe of despondent existence. Not only does Blade Runner 2049 seamlessly traverse from the original Blade Runner 2012, it also exacerbates the grimness of an ageing world where the city is only illuminated by gliding police aero-mobiles and colossal 3D and […]

WATCH!Get outta here: Get Out (2017)

Although the premise was absurd when it came to its end, the tale told was quirky especially after watching it. Certainly it was an original narrative of innate adversities between Afro-Americans and White-American; the examination was close to cellular level. Get Out reminded me of the first episode of True Blood (TV 2008-14): surreal but entertaining. Chris(Daniel […]

WATCH! Gemini: L’Amant Double (2017)

An enthralling, titillating and thrilling psychological drama that will have audience guessing to the very last minute, or gasping. The denouement, perhaps, is too orderly, but the journey is a kaleidoscope looking at a human mind, a veda-scope expanding views of sexuality and a microscope examining human developments. Et voilà, another puzzling piece written and directed by […]