Movie Review: Lazy Eye (2016)

WATCH!“I wanted to tell a story from the perspective of the post-marriage equality world we are living in, but one in which the obstacle in the film was not the characters’ sexual orientation.”  –Director, Tim Kirkman. Lazy Eye was an unembellished film no one will have a problem empathizing with: been there, done that. Kirkman’s storytelling was natural, […]

Movie Review: Blue is the Warmest Color (2013)

La vie d’Adèle  chapîtres 1 et 2 is adopted from the graphic novel Le bleu est une couleur chaude by Julie Maroh; that’s why the English’s title, perhaps. This film was almost three hours in length, it went through the life of Adèle from 15 to 21 or 22… hence, the title: chapter 1 and 2, like in a novel. […]